Phyllis Smith

Waitaha, Kati Māmoe, Kai Tāhu, Ruahikihiki, Kati Huirapa ki Puketeraki
Joined the exhibition in Ōtepoti Dunedin in October 2021.

Phyllis photoportrait
Phyllis | Audio Portrait

Phyllis always knew that her tūpuna’s land was waiting for her and her whānau at Te Awa Koiea, Brinns Point. She shares with us her journey of reconnection not only to the whenua, but to her whakapapa and her Māoriness.

With a smile on her face, she contemplates how much family means to her, and how blessed she feels to be surrounded by them.

Phyllis | Audio Portrait

Follow the exhibition’s journey here:



Phyllis is a kuia with light brown skin. The smile on her face is warm genuine and infectious, front teeth visible. Her dark grey hair reaches the top of her ears in a short pixie cut and she looks out through smile-crinkled eyes behind tinted gold-rimmed oval shaped glasses.

She has simple white pearl earrings and wears a narrow roimata or teardrop shaped pounamu that hangs delicately resting on her décolleté as our attention is drawn down to a beautiful korowai cloak wrapped around her shoulders with a dark mawhitiwhiti woven top. 

White feathers woven in the top half of the cloak contrast with the remaining feathers that are a mix of mottled dark brown shades. A curved small tusk like taonga has been pinned to the front left side of the korowai as a brooch.

With shoulders back Phyllis stands proud as a wāhine Māori against a framed door and small glass windows in the background.

Dunedin Toitū Exhibition October 2021

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